Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Writing Assignment: The Boast


Mrs. Thompson

British Literature

Due: 29 September 2009


First Writing Assignment



The Boast


Upon his arrival to help Hrothgar, Beowulf recites a rather long-winded and self-glorifying speech (ll. 142-189) which essentially serves as his "resume." The Anglo-Saxons saw nothing wrong with letting the world know who they were, who their noble parents were, what great feats they had accomplished and what they planned to do. This boasting was perfectly polite, even expected. So now that you have just arrived in our class, your assignment is to compose a similar formal boast about yourself in which you discuss your past accomplishments and feats, which may involve any of the following: academic, athletic, musical, social, artistic, etc. Lay aside your humility! Remember, you'll soon be applying for college anyway, and may need to do a bit of boasting.






  1. Your boast must show your understanding of Anglo-Saxon poetry by following the Anglo-Saxon poetic format:
  • Four hard beats per line
  • No end-rhyme
  • A caesura in each mid-line
  • Heavy alliteration in each line


  1. Furthermore, include at least two examples of original kennings.


  2. Formal and heroic tone


Length: 20 lines

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